Youth Climate Program Supporters & Partners
The summit will start at 9 am on November 9th and conclude at approximately 3-3:30 pm on November 10th. Tupper Lake is a 5 minute drive to The Wild Center, Saranac Lake is about 30 minutes away, and Lake Placid is about 45 minutes away.
Youth Climate Program Partners
- The Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
- Climate Generation
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
- The Adirondack Watershed Institute at Paul Smith’s College
- The North Country School’s Rock-E House and Basecamp
- Action for the Climate Emergency
- New York State Climate Smart Communities program
Youth Climate Program Supporters
- Adirondack Foundation (Evergreen Fund)
- Adirondack Garden Club
- Alison Crowther
- Barry Lobdell
- Bengt & Polly Ohman
- Betsy & Jesse Fink Foundation
- Bread Loaf Rock Foundation
- Cliff Ammon
- Christine Owens
- Karen & Dave Thomas
- Edward Oles
- Glenn & Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation
- Holbrook R. & Sarah Davis Foundation Inc.
- Institute for Museum & Library Services (IMLS)
- John Ben Snow Foundation, Inc. & Memorial Trust
- John & Sandra Reschovsky
You too can be a supporter of the Youth Climate Program.
Click the button below or contact Director of Climate Initiatives, Jen Kretser.
Support the Youth Climate ProgramClick the button below or contact Director of Climate Initiatives, Jen Kretser.