Adirondack Explorer presents Jobs 2.0

October 23, 2024

9:00 am - 10:30 am

Adirondack employment heading into the heart of the 21st century is not without challenges. But it is also not without hope.

Join Adirondack Explorer at this free event to discuss the Adirondacks’ unique opportunity to bring the kinds of jobs to the region that will draw new residents who will bring growth and vitality to our communities.

You’ll hear from:

Cali Brooks, president and CEO of Adirondack Foundation on the foundation's work in this area and what they've learned.

Christian D. Harris, Regional Labor Market Analyst for the New York State Department of Labor’s Division of Research and Statistics: The current state of jobs in the region, what young workers are looking for and the future of jobs in the Adirondacks.

With a panel discussion moderated by Explorer Publisher Tracy Ormsbee on the new generation of Adirondack workers: What are the opportunities, challenges and advice for making the region a magnet for career seekers.

  • Will Fortin, lead data scientist
  • Davanna Marks, Sr. Director of Technical Operations & PMO ThermoFisher Scientific; Owner of Cabins at Chimney Mt.
  • Adam Boudreau, president Kentile Excavating
  • Carrianne Pershyn - Biodiversity Research Manager, Ausable Freshwater Center
  • Svetlana Filipson, Technology Sector Project Lead for Adirondack Foundation


This event is made possible with help from a Generous Acts grant from Adirondack Foundation, a grant from Cloudsplitter Foundation and an Adirondack Council sponsorship, and support from our readers. We thank them. Support this work.