Live Cams
Stay connected to the Adirondacks, no matter where you live, with Wild Center live cams
The Wild Center Virtual
Take a virtual walk through indoor exhibits and Wild Walk, no matter where you live.
Virtual visit
Nature Lab
It’s time to put on your lab coat because The Wild Center’s School Programs Nature Lab is here to turn you into a scientist. Dive into a video series and accompanying activities.
Watch Now
Lunchtime Live
It’s time to put on your lab coat because The Wild Center’s School Programs Nature Lab is here to turn you into a scientist. Dive into a video series and accompanying activities.
Watch NowDigital Learning
Dive into authentic, place-based learning experiences in science and engineering with The Wild Center’s suite of student-centered educational programs.

Virtual Field Trips
It’s time to put on your lab coat because The Wild Center’s School Programs Nature Lab is here to turn you into a scientist. Dive into a video series and accompanying activities.
take a tour

Jr. Naturalist
No matter where you are in the world, we invite you to complete our new Jr. Naturalist Book and become certified as a Wild Center Jr. Naturalist!
become a Jr. NaturalistLive Cams